Showing posts with label Rupjyoti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rupjyoti. Show all posts

Saturday 6 April 2024

Affinity or Felony

A void in my mind,

Was it a felony or an affinity!

Countless questions and blurry memories, 

Where am I heading?

My numb thoughts, shallow wounds,

Essence of your absence. 

Sitting in a hollow room,

Counting the odds, don't know where I belong!

Those nights, those mornings, our infinite camaraderies,

A relation beyond the societal validation. 

Where am I?

An emptiness eating my mind.

The faded mosaic of our memories!

Tired of repainting the canvas we've lost.

Two minds, an affinity or a felony!


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Friday 5 August 2022

The Future of Self-Driven Cars in India

What will self-driving cars mean for India?

This is a common question given the Indian government’s recent efforts to push the country in the direction of a more sustainable future.

The Indian government has stated that the country will need to move away from fossil fuels and adopt a low-carbon development strategy by 2030 if it wants to meet its ambitious climate change goals. But if you think about it, India is a perfect place to start driverless cars. India has a massive population, and many people don’t have access to reliable or affordable transportation. This is why the country is perfect for driverless cars. In recent times, the race toward making self-driving cars (AVs) or self-driving cars have made a huge leap as many car players and tech giants are investing huge capital in it. Many of them have even already started test trials in countries like the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan, China and others. Unlike its global counterparts, the Indian auto sector appears to be slowly heading towards it.


India lagging in the race to make self-driving cars

The main reason for the lack of awareness about this technology among the masses is the lack of proper awareness of the technicalities and complexities involved in developing an AV. Also, the Indian market is yet to witness a paradigm shift in terms of hybrid and electric vehicles. However, the global players are quite confident about the development of AVs in India. On March 8, 2018, Kapsch TrafficCom signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) to ensure that the Indian road transportation industry goes through an autonomous shift. The company intends to support the Government of India’s initiative to introduce future-ready vehicles in the country. 


While the push towards the actual commercialisation of AVs is now, likely, they will drastically change the way we travel. More so, in the coming decades, the advent of AVs will also give rise to a host of exciting job opportunities, which would be of great benefit for the youth, especially those working in the digital and tech industry. Unlike manual driving, the automated car has the potential to reduce one of the biggest causes of death on our roads - road accidents. At least the U.S. Department of Transportation says so. According to the department, road accidents are responsible for 1.25 million deaths a year, or about 30% of all deaths worldwide. In India, a person is killed in a road accident every three hours.



  • From the report of the KPMG Autonomous Vehicle Readiness Index 2019, India ranks 24th out of 25 countries on the list. The list indicated the willingness of countries to adopt the practices of autonomous vehicles. The Netherlands topped the list.
  • Countries like Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, Norway and China are currently experimenting with cars. China is on the right track to commercialising autonomous vehicles by 2025. A recent survey by the Beijing Center for Innovation in Mobility Intelligence states that 77 autonomous vehicles were tested for more than a million kilometres in the country.
  • The self-driving car scenario in India seems promising and India's burgeoning automobile industry could gain huge opportunities, while also leading to massive disruptions in the transportation industry. As per the latest research report published by Transparency Market Research (TMR), the demand in the Indian self-driving cars market is projected to expand at a CAGR of 36.0% within a forecast period from 2017 to 2025. On the other hand, the global self-driving cars market is expected to reach $31.5 billion by 2025 from a valuation of just $4.6 billion in 2016. Hence, it is imperative to invest in the development of vehicles capable of automatically adapting to changing road conditions.


Saturday 1 January 2022

Happy New Year 2022 🥂

Change is constant...

End of another amazing year. 2021 was good, collected lots of experiences, and made new friends and connections. Thank you, God, and everyone for being with me.

So let's welcome 2022, With the blessings of god let's and lots of new thoughts & hopes.

Happy New Year 2022 🎊

May God bless you all  🥳


Cheers for 2022 🎉🎆🎁

Rupjyoti Talukdar

Friday 10 December 2021


সময়বোৰ হেৰাই গৈছে

বাঢ়ি গৈছে জীৱনৰ লগত দূৰত্ব,

কোনোদিনে শেষ নোহোৱা এটা অন্ধকাৰ ৰাতিত

আশাবোৰ হেৰাই যায় পোহৰৰ ক্ষণ গণি গণি,

ৰাঙলী সুৰুজৰ সংজ্ঞা বিচাৰি।

ধোঁৱা হৈ উৰি যায় বিভ্ৰান্ত মনৰ ঠিকনা

মোৰ আধালিখা কবিতাত হেৰাই যায় জীৱনৰ মাদকতা।

পোৱা নোপোৱাৰ মাজত সপোনৰ বিশ্লেষণ

এটা কবিতাৰ মাজত নিজকে বিচৰাৰ বৃথা অন্বেষণ!


Picture courtesy: Arundhati Bhattacharyya


Times are missing,

The distance with life has increased,

A dark night that has never ended.

Hopes are lost in the moment of caliginosity,

Waiting for the juncture of light

To find the definition of spiraling sunshine.

My abstract mind thoughts are blown away with smoke

The intoxication of life is lost in my half-written poetry.

Anatomy of dreams in the midst of not being found

A vain quest to find yourself in the middle of a poem!


Picture courtesy: A.B.
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Friday 30 July 2021

Augmented Reality versus Virtual Reality


Have you ever imagined yourself inside a video game? or ever imagined seeing a virtual toy in our real-world via your phone? 

Ok, you have! then You’ve probably heard of Augmented Reality aka AR and virtual reality aka VR before. But what is it? What is augmented reality? What is virtual reality? Do you really know?

Let’s know more about AR and VR and which is better.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) is when you use a mobile device (like the iPhone) to see virtual objects in a physical environment. You can move around and the virtual objects will move with you. AR adds digital elements to a live view often by using the camera on a smartphone. The best examples of augmented reality experiences include Snapchat lenses and the Pokémon Go game. AR is one of the biggest technology trends of the 21st century, and it’s only going to get bigger as AR-ready smartphones and other devices have become more accessible all over the globe. AR let us see the real-life environment/virtual events right in front of us in this real life.

Types of AR

AR is mainly differenced in three broad types,

  • Marker-based AR
  • Marker-less AR
  • Location-based AR

Marker-based AR: Marker-based AR uses image recognition to identify objects that have been pre-programmed into your AR device or app. Fiducial markers help the AR device determine the position and orientation of its camera. A popular example of marker-based AR includes Augmented Reality QR codes, logos, or product packaging, etc.

Marker-less AR: Marker-less AR is a bit trickier. Not having markers means that nothing has been pre-programmed into your device or app, it has to recognize items on the fly. The recognition algorithm in your device or app looks for patterns, colours, or other features that might tip it off. The best example of marker-less AR is the Pokémon Go game.

Location-based AR: Location-based AR uses GPS technology based on your device to project the image so this AR is commonly known as GPS-based or Geo-based AR. The best example of Location-based AR is Google Map Street view. This AR has a huge potential in the travel and tourism industries.


Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is when you put on a headset (like the Oculus Rift) and you’re completely immersed in an environment. You can move your head to look around, and it feels like you’re in that environment. VR gives you a virtual tour in the real world, it implies a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world. Using VR devices such as Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard, users can be transported into a number of real-world and imagined environments such as the middle of a war game, alien colony, or even the back of a dinosaur. During 2020 with the COVID-19 restrictions, VR is experiencing an enormous rise. According to Grand View Research, the global VR market will grow to 62.1 billion dollars in 2027.

Virtual Reality Software: VR creates a completely 3-D environment, in 1994 the Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) was first introduced. VR software works together with VR hardware to immerse the user into the virtual world. Developers also have to create interactive components within the environments that look and even feel like the real deal. Currently, most VR technology uses a JavaScript application programming interface (API) that provides support for various virtual reality devices, such as Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard, or OSVR.

Virtual Reality Hardware: VR hardware is used in conjunction with the software to provide the illusion of being in a 3-D environment. Modern VR headset displays are based on technology developed for smartphones including such as gyroscopes and motion sensors for tracking head, body, and hand positions; small HD screens for stereoscopic displays; and small, lightweight and fast computer processors. Common hardware includes VR glasses, gloves, and other accessories to simulate other senses like touch and feel.


Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality

AR or VR Which is better? It’s hard to say, we believe that depends on what you want to do. Both technologies are going to rule our digital life by opening new doorways.

·   AR is when you use to see virtual objects in a physical environment. You can move around and the virtual objects will move with you. AR technology has a potential market to grow with increasing reel-real life gaming experiences, digitalization of life, and the tourism industry.

·    VR gives us a reel life feel this real life, we can feel things that are not existing in the practical world. Also, in the near future VR technology is going to see huge growth with increasing VR gaming studios and movies. Already we have the data to prove that, according to Grand View Research, the global VR market will grow to 62 billion dollars in 2027.


AR or VR, Which is better?

Both AR and VR are developing very fast and will grow in the near future. If you ask me if it is better to go for virtual reality or augmented reality, then I think it is definitely better to use virtual reality as we get a good experience of augmented reality in many apps.

ණ Rupjyoti


Friday 21 May 2021

ৰুগ্ন প্ৰহৰী

মৃত্যুৰ কিৰিলীত কম্পিত জনতা,
    বিষাদৰ ৰক্তক্ষৰণ মৃত্যু হয় মানৱতা !
      মৃত্যু নামৰ শিল্প আজি দুষ্প্ৰাপ্য।
        ক্ষমতাৰ ৰাগীত মতলীয়া ৰাজনেতা,
          মানুহৰ জীৱনক লৈ বহিছে জুৱাৰ আদ্দা !
            উলংগ ৰাজনেতাৰ ধৰ্ষণ স্বাধীনতাক,
              জৰ্জৰিত গণতন্ত্ৰ আজি ধূলিসাৎ!
                বিপৰ্যয়ৰ মাজতে বিমূৰ্ত জনগণৰ কাতৰ বিননী,
                  শুনিবলৈ আহৰি নাই লুপ্ত গণতন্ত্ৰৰ সুপ্ত প্ৰহৰীৰ‌।
                    মহান গণতন্ত্ৰৰ পংগু শাসনতন্ত্ৰ,
                      আত্মবিভোৰ প্ৰহৰীৰ মানৱতা ধংসযজ্ঞ!
                        সুদীৰ্ঘ ত্যাগ পৰিক্ৰমাৰ পৰিণতি এই গণতন্ত্ৰ,
                          আজি জনগণৰ ৰক্তেৰে ৰঞ্জিত
                            অকাল মৃত্যুৰ কোলাহলত কম্পিত !
                              আত্মগৌৰৱী প্ৰহৰীয়ে হত্যা কৰে জনতাক,
                                হীম শীতল শৰীৰে আত্মসন্মান বিছাৰি কৰে হাহাকাৰ!
                                  এয়াই জানো সপোন আছিল আমাৰ অগ্ৰজৰ ?
                                    স্বাধীনতা আজি শ্যো-পিচ সংগ্ৰহালয়ৰ।
                                      নিলাম কৰি জনতাৰ সপোন,
                                        প্ৰহৰীৰ ব্যস্ত সপোন নগৰী নিৰ্মাণত।
                                          বিকৃত গণতন্ত্ৰ প্ৰতিটো স্তম্ভ চূৰ্ণ-বিচূৰ্ণ,
                                            বজাৰত উঠিছে মানৱ জীৱনৰ মূল্য !
                                              চৌদিশ স্তব্ধ মৃত্যুৰ কিৰিলীত,
                                                শ্মশানত চিতাৰ অগ্নিত যাহ যায় মানুহৰ কাতৰ বিননী!

                                                Rogue Guardian

                                                The crowd trembling with death,

                                                Humanity dies in the bleeding of sadness!

                                                If death is an art, then where is that art?

                                                The art of death is rare today.

                                                Our royal leaders are intoxicating in the power,

                                                Gambling of human's lives!

                                                Numb humanity in shock.

                                                The freedom is brutally raped by those royal leaders,

                                                Carolling Democracy counting for its demolishing!

                                                In the midst of the disaster, the stammering of the abstract people,

                                                But where is the guardian? Why is he numb?

                                                There is no time to hear the latent guardian of a vanished democracy!

                                                Humanity is destroyed by the conceited guardian.

                                                This democracy is the result of a long sacrifice cycle,

                                                Today, people's blood is in colour

                                                Trembling with the noise of untimely death.

                                                The conceited guardian killed those people,

                                                Intense cold bodies are screaming for self-respect!

                                                Were those being the dream of our democracy?

                                                Today freedom is the showpiece of our Democratic Museum.

                                                By auctioning people's dream,

                                                Guardian is busy in his dream urban construction.

                                                Perverted democracy crushes every pillar,

                                                The market is auctioning the value of human life!

                                                In the shrieking of death numbed all around,

                                                In the pyre of the crematorium, Human life is screaming for humanity!



                                                Picture courtesy: Puspanjali Malakar
